BREAKING: Cabin and homeowners along Highway 3 to evacuate immediately, fires expected to reach highway overnight

(Photo: NWT Fire)
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NWT Fire is officially ordering cabin and homeowners between kilometre marker 276-290 on Highway 3 to evacuate their property immediately.

After reconnaissance flights, NWT Fire has determined the fire will most likely reach Highway 3 overnight. 

“The highway remains open at this time; however, with extremely heavy smoke and bad visibility, this can change,” NWT Fire says.

NWT Fire confirms Yellowknife and BehchokÇ«Ì€ are safe and residents are encouraged to proceed to their preferred emergency accommodations. 

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NWT Fire is recommending all evacuees leave as soon as possible with their essential belongings and drive with caution to avoid additional challenges on the road. 

Crews have set up sprinklers on all structures on the affected stretch of highway and they will run all night to reduce the likelihood of damage. 

Favourable winds from the south are expected tomorrow, and NWT Fire says they are hopeful the winds slow the fire’s growth.

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